Thursday, 29 March 2012


  • Soursop fruit tastes very delicious.
  • Substances in the soursop fruit is very complex and has many benefits. 
  • Ascorbic acid increases the amount of antioxidants in the body. It helps fight against free radicals in the body and helps keep the number of infections and disorders at bay. 
  • Help overcome kidney disease, liver problems, urinary tract infection (also known as urethritis) and hematuria (or blood in the urine), etc. 
  • The fleshy part of fruit, if applied to any cuts will accelerate the healing process and also prevent bacterial infection.
  • A stew soursop flowers and young shoots will help heal inflammation of the sinuses and also in the throat and nose. It also helps in the secretion of mucus to reduce irritation.
  • Soursop is also used as a remedy for cough, fever, diarrhea, and indigestion.
  • Soursop fruit contains Vitamin C. The content of vitamin C on soursop fruit is high enough, every 100 grams of meat soursop fruit contains about 20mg of vitamin C. So that the soursop fruit can be efficacious antioxidant to increase the body's resistance to disease
  • Soursop fruit contains calcium and phosphorus. Both minerals are beneficial to build strong bones.  
  • Thus, soursop fruit can prevent the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Soursop fruit contains a high potassium. Potassium is beneficial to prevent hypertension disease. 
  • Soursop fruit is rich in fiber. Sertat soursop fruit content of 3.3 grams per 100 grams of meat soursop fruit. With this much fiber content, the benefits of soursop fruit can also facilitate the digestive process in the body

Sea Cucumber

Gold Sea Cucumber privilege than a species of sea cucumbers are generally selected from the 1000 species of sea cucumbers in the world. The selected species have a golden color (Golden) and a history dating back hundreds of years ago have proven benefits and efficacy of this sea cucumber for a variety of health and beauty problems. Gold Sea cucumbers benefits more than doubled compared to the other sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers is Inverterbrata who live on the ocean floor with stunning efficacy in the medical world.

Gold Sea Cucumber can treat:

  • Accelerate fracture healing and inflammation.  
  • Bleeding in Stomach 
  • Various kinds of wounds
  •  Tumor Ovarian Cysts 
  • Chronic Ulcer Disease
  • Joint pain 
  • Myoma
  • The jaw tumors
  • Cervical Cancer
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Thalassemia
  • Hepatitis C
  • Hepatitis B
  • Uric Acid
  • Cholesterol
  • Sinusitis
  • Epilepsy
  • Pimple
  • Asthma
  • Typhoid
  • Digestive problems (stomach) ulcer
  • Helps respiratory problems
  • Increase the red blood cells
  • Overcoming blood anemia
  •  As natural pain relievers (paracetamol 2x)
  • And many degenerative diseases (due to organ damage)

Monday, 26 March 2012

Вы хотите иметь здоровое стройное тело естественным путем?

Факты доказали, что ожирение не является символом процветания, но это символ множества заболеваний, поэтому, имеет стройное тело естественным здоровым сейчас. Самый простой способ, что вы просто настроить вашу диету правильно ...

  1. Добавить овощи в ежедневном меню.
    Если вы хотите иметь тонкий здоровое тело, естественно, растительные обязательной частью вашего ежедневного меню, в настоящее время также начинают меняться ваше ежедневное меню с богатой овощами. Не проблема для тех, кто потребляет рис ежедневное меню, но ограничить количество, только 1/3 часть доли, а оставшаяся часть овощей. 
  2. Выбор разнообразное меню пищу небольшими порциями.
    Потребление небольшого количества пищи, но хорошего качества, является одним из способов достижения здорового организма естественным путем тонкой. Жевание и кусать повторяется много раз, и пища медленно в рот. Это очень полезный процесс пищеварения в желудке позже. Прежде, чем Вы есть основной курс, изначально выпить два стакана воды (400 мл). 
  3. Избегайте упакованных пищевых продуктов по мере возможности.
    Выбрать и свежих продуктов. Выбор материалов, из свежих продуктов, которые будут использоваться в качестве обработанных пищевых продуктов и избегать упакованных пищевых продуктов по мере возможности. Выберите суп, закуска, использование красный лук, чеснок, фасоль, морковь, различные грибы, зеленые помидоры и капуста. Сокращение использования специй и соли, и есть высокое содержание углеводов материал небольшими порциями. 
  4. Замените мясо рыбой
    Пресноводные рыбные блюда или блюда из морепродуктов воды заменяет мясо (говядина, мясо птицы, коз), чтобы получить стройное тело естественным здоровым, рыбы пресноводных и морских рыб есть хорошая пища для тела, а именно: белки, жиры, витамины и минералы . Содержание омега-3 жирной рыбы может снизить риск сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и снижает уровень холестерина в крови.
    Замена газированных напитков водой. 
  5. Старайтесь избегать газированных напитков, содержащих высокое содержание сахара, соды оказать неблагоприятное воздействие на тело охранника себя не пить слишком много, заменить воду, которая имеет функцию нейтрализации тела.
    Замените коровье молоко соевым молоком. 
  6. Соевое молоко, хотя это и менее вкусным, чем коровье молоко, но его содержание питательных веществ можно сказать и о том же, но выгоды от соевого молока в рационе питания, поскольку они содержат изофлавоны соединений, которые имеют особое воздействие на организм.

The Secret of Green Beans

Benefits of green beans are very good for our bodies. Green beans taste delicious and are often treated as pulp. High protein content and the source of important minerals, like calcium and phosphorus, making the green bean is a crop that is suitable for our plant.

Green beans sprouts also contain many enzymes contain active, one of which is the enzyme amylase which helps metabolize carbohydrates.
Benefits Green beans:

Efficacy and benefits of green beans will not be reduced even if boiled a long time (to pieces). This is the excess of green beans because of the efficacy of green beans, hot unaffected. In contrast to other foodstuffs such as vegetables, fruits, and other traditional ingredients which when boiled for too long will reduce the efficacy of the medicine.

The nutrients contained in 110 grams of green beans is 345 calories, 22.2 grams protein, 1.2 grams fat, and the remainder in the form of vitamin A, vitamin B1, phosphorus, iron, manganese.

The content of vitamin E to help improve fertility. Very good for keeping the acidity of the stomach and facilitate digestion because it is alkaline (basic). For beauty, which helps rejuvenate and smooth the skin, remove black stains on the face, acne cure, nourish hair and slim body.

Green beans have high protein content, as many as 24%. Inside are an important source of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus are beneficial for strengthening bones. Fat is an unsaturated fatty acid so good for the heart. Additionally safely consumed by those who have problems with weight due to lack of content is low.
In addition to delicious and contains lots of vitamin and mineral benefits of green beans can also treat various diseases such as beri-beri, kidney inflammation, high blood pressure, alcohol poisoning and pesticides, reduce itching due to prickly heat, diarrhea and vomiting, strengthen the spleen and stomach function, impotence , tuberculosis, acne, addressing the black spots on the face, and reduce fever.
For people who want to avoid the consumption of high fat green beans are also appropriate. Composed of fat green peas 73% unsaturated fatty acids and 27% saturated fatty acids. Generally, beans are high in unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fat intake is important for maintaining heart health.
Green beans contain vitamin B1 which serves to prevent the disease beriberi, helping the process of growth, increase appetite, improve digestive tract, and maximizing the nerve. There is research that states that a group of people who lack sufficient food containing vitamin B1, such as green beans, in a short time the symptoms appear irritable, unable to concentrate, and less vibrant. These symptoms are similar to the signs of stress.
Not only vitamins B1, green beans also contain vitamin B2 whose job it helps the absorption of protein in the body. The presence of vitamin B2 will increase the utilization of protein so that absorption becomes more efficient.
Green beans can strengthen bones. Green beans contain phosphorus and calcium are very useful in the growth and strengthens bones. In addition, the protein content of green beans are also very high (around 24%).

In addition to good health and prevent disease of some sort. Benefits of Green beans are also very good for pregnant women. Green beans contain folic acid is important for pregnant women. Pregnant women can eat green beans since the beginning of pregnancy or before pregnancy. Efficacy of folic acid contained in neural development is very good for the baby in the womb.

Benefits of green beans that contain folic acid may also prevent the occurrence of infant heart defects, cleft lip, and various other disabilities. In addition Folic acid may also increase the intelligence of babies.

Benefits of green bean sprouts:

Sprouts antioxidants help slow the aging process.
Prevent the spread of cancer cells.
The content of vitamin E was to help increase fertility.
Very good to keep the acidity of stomach acid and digestion.
Beauty that is useful to rejuvenate and smooth the skin, remove black stains on the face, acne cure, nourish hair and slim body.

Sunday, 25 March 2012


A cough is a disease that is sometimes embarrassing and annoying even reduce public confidence in its appearance anytime and anywhere. Cough is very troublesome and annoying not to mention our activities are not necessarily the weather at this time facilitate disease can attack us. However, the following drugs may help cure your cough illness. But if a cough accompanied by blood and in the long term you may be aware of your attack of tuberculosis.
Garlic: 1
 honey: 1 tablespoon
 lime: 1 piece

Usage: Mash garlic until soft and then squeeze the lime and then the two materials are mixed with 20 cc of boiled water and filtered. Filtered before use mix at 1/2 cup hot water and add 2 tablespoons of honey if it is to drink this concoction 2 times morning and evening.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Zamzam Water

The specialty of Zamzam water is irrefutable. Although every year is taken millions of people from all over the world, water sources that have never subsided. History has proven efficacy and privileges of Zamzam water from age to age. In an arid basin of black stones hill, where the rainfall is only 10 centimeters per year, theoretically absurd if it contains a clean fountain tremendous downpours, nutritious, and rich in minerals. Despite being already more than 4,000 years (since the son of Prophet Abraham was born), this fountain can still be enjoyed by all human beings until now.
The Story of Zamzam water begins in the days of Abraham's prophetic. At the time of Prophet Ibrahim to be contrary to the land of Sham at God's command was forced to leave his wife Hajar (Hagar) and baby Ismail (
Ishmael) in the barren valley of Mecca. Bag of dates and water left for them both exhausted after two days later. When thirst had reached the crown and the baby crying thirst Ismail, Hajar confused

Run across the Black Hills in search of water returned to Mount Safa and Marwah. But water is also looking to find. But on lap seven after a back and forth Safa and Marwah, Hajar slumped beside her baby. Suddenly the ground seat Ismail who was crying strongly, while stomping his feet-Snap out of water. From this story, Zamzam comes.
Zamzam water source when it is connected to a satellite photograph of the Red Sea or the Dead Sea are united towards a single point in the Kaaba. No wonder this water which never runs out uninteresting times. Zamzam water has had a very unique screening process, namely through the desert rocks and sand layers. This water contains various minerals and nutrients the body needs. Minerals and elements it is very fantastic number, approximately two thousand milligrams per liter. Among them, sodium (250), calcium (200), potassium (20), magnesium (50) sulfur (372), bicarbonate (366), nitrate (273), phosphate (0.25), ammonia clan (6).
Zamzam water has a sensitive nature, but also reactive. If you read her good words, the water will react positively. Conversely, if given bad words, then the water will also react to the nature and meaning of these words.
Prophet Muhammad explained: "Indeed, this Zamzam water is blessed, he is a food that contains nutrients". The Prophet adds: "Zamzam water is useful for what intended when drinking it. If you drink in order to recover from sickness, Allah healed him. If you drink in order to feel full, then Allah filling you. If you drink to lose your sense of thirst, Allah will relieve your thirst for it. He is Jibreel heel pressure water, drink from Allah for Ishmael ". (Daruqutni, Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Ibn Abbas from). "The best water on earth is Zamzam water. Him some food and a refreshing antidote to all ills ".

 Zamzam molecule

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Black Rice

Black rice is rare rice, due to aleurone and endosperm produce anthocyanin to high intensity so that the black colored. In terms of efficacy and nutrition, it turns out that black rice pigment has the best benefits than other colored rice. Black rice is very different than the "black sticky rice",: taste, flavor and appearance. Very specific and unique. When the rice is cooked completely black color black. It feels good and smells appetizing meal.


Increases resistance to disease
Lowering blood sugar levels (good for people with diabetes)
Repair damaged heart cells
Prevent renal dysfunction
Prevent cancer / tumors
slow down aging
As antioxidants and
Clean up of cholesterol in the blood (good for diet)
prevent anemia
Lowering blood pressure (the lower the blood pressure should use this rice to red rice mixed, the ratio 1: 1)
Against cancer and heart disease.
Increase the level of water-soluble anthocyanin antioxidants in the body.
Clean up harmful molecules, can help protect arteries and prevent DNA damage that causes cancer.

Red Rice

Red rice is rarely consumed as compared to white rice, but red rice is more beneficial than white rice.
Red rice has a good benefit to the health of our body and can cure some diseases, because red rice contains many important substances such as vitamins, nutrition, natural fibers and high mineral content, phenolics selenium, magnesium, fiber and fatty acids, amino acids and so on.
  • Prevent constipation. 
  • Good for the diet.  
  • Prevent various diseases of the digestive tract.  
  • Enhance brain development.  
  • Lowering blood cholesterol.  
  • Prevent cancer and disease degenaratif.  
  • Heart healthy.  
  • Contain vitamin B1 and minerals are higher than in the white rice.
  • Very good for heart health. 
  • Not easy to hunger.
  • Rich in amino acids.
  • Can increase growth hormone in humans.

White Rice

Rice is one of the staple foods in the world. 
This rice colour is white somewhat transparent because it has a little colorless, and the amylose content is generally about 20%.


  • White rice contains ferulic acid which functions as an antioxidant and protects the skin from various types of kinds of pollutants, peroxides and free radicals.
  • White rice can be consumed by people with diabetes, people with autism.
  • Rice contains many carbohydrates that act as fuel for the body and helps in normal functioning of the brain. 
  • Rice does not contain harmful fats, the cholesterol or sodium. Rice became one part of a balanced diet and is considered the best food for those suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension. 
  • Rice contains many vitamins and minerals such as niacin, vitamin D, calcium, fiber, iron, thiamine, and riboflavin. 
  • Many contain resistant starch, which will go into the intestine in the undigested form. That will help the growth of useful bacteria in the gut. 
  • Treat dysentery. Part of the rice husk is considered as an effective medicine for treating dysentery. 
  • Rice flour can be used to treat some types of skin diseases. 
  • Strengthen the heart.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Diarrhea is a disease in which patients experienced bowel stimulation constant and feces still contains too much water.

 By consuming 3 guava leaves, diarrhea can be resolved.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

The Breast Milk

وَإِنَّ لَكُمْ فِي الْأَنْعَامِ لَعِبْرَةً ۖ نُّسْقِيكُم مِّمَّا فِي بُطُونِهِ مِن بَيْنِ فَرْثٍ وَدَمٍ لَّبَنًا خَالِصًا سَائِغًا لِّلشَّارِبِي

{And indeed, for you in grazing livestock is a lesson. We give you drink from what is in their bellies - between excretion and blood - pure milk, palatable to drinkers (Surat An-Nahl : 66)}

Newborns and young should get the breast milk before given a variety of other foods. This suggests that breast milk has a high protein value and protein to meet a variety of purposes, with a balanced composition and content. Breast milk is almost close to perfection when compared with other foods. Organic milk contains nutrients that our bodies need for the entire period of human development and growth

Milk has the composition:
  1. Water
  2. Sugar
  3. Protein
  4. Oil
  5. Organic and inorganic metal

Various elements and composition of bioprotein in milk:
  • Children and adults who consume dairy products will not experience bone weakness, brittle or brittle tooth formation.
  • Comparison of oil content and the sugar in milk is very balanced, in raising the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
  • Milk sugar can protect the intestinal mucous membrane.
  • Regarded as milk sugar, galactose forming the basis of the lining of the brain and nerve cells.
  • Milk contains vitamins A, D, H, and K, Some other vitamins B1, B2, G and Choline.

Vitamins A:
Is essential for growth, vision, and protect the eye inflammation.
Provide the human immune system attacks a wide range of infectious diseases.

Vitamin D:
Help bone growth,
Prevent the occurrence of paralysis and bone loss.
Kill microbes.

Prevent the buildup of fat around the liver.
Balance of fat in the body.

Calcium and Phospate:
Form the framework of bones, the teeth, and help the enzymes work.

The substances contained in milk:

Magnesium, Sodium, Pottasium, Chlorine, Sulfur, a fraction of rubidium, lithium, estanicium, aluminum, fluoride, copper and cobalt.

Milk contains many enzymes that aid digestion and metabolism.

That milk is created by Allah with the most great power, comes out of the dirt and blood, pure milk to come out and great for anyone who drank it, Provide adequate for healthy people, strengthen and heal the sick.

Monday, 19 March 2012


Myopia is a vision disorder that occurs in the afternoon. In patients with myopia, the lens is cloudy eyes. Myopia usually occurs in older people.


Stalk of Moringa leaf   = 3 stalk

Cooking water =
  1 cup

= 1 tablespoon


Moringa leaf stalks mashed until smooth, then pour boiling water with 1 cup cooking water and filtered. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and mix well. Drink water before sleep.

Sunday, 18 March 2012


Acne is an inflammation of the skin glands which appear as black blockage, sometimes causing pus.

how to solve it:sour starfruit/ wuluh starfruit / avverhoa bilimbi (to taste) and water salt
Wuluh starfruit fruit washed, then ground until smooth. After that, the material kneaded with water salt to taste. Rub this mixture on the face with acne. Do this 3 times a day.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Cheese / Butter

The benefit of Cheese / Butter:
  • To cure swelling. 
  • To cure the tumor. 
  • Urine and a good launch for the channel. 
  • Refresh the mouth. 
  • Treat a wide range of swelling in the body of a woman and children. 
  •  Blood flow from the lungs throughout the body. 
  • Treat cough and hoarseness.

Important Warning

When the humans in the attack of disease, then he should not take medicines in the healing portion of the lot at once or consume healing oils with no control at all, because he is only thinking about how to recover and avoid the disease. It may be that it will only cause unwanted effects. People who are sick thirst to know the proper dose and appropriate him. With the guidance of experts who have advanced the treatment, he can get the size and dosage according to him, how to use them, in a state of their own or mixed, when he was in sickness or health.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Grain / Wheat Seeds

Grain functions to cure some diseases:

  1. liver
  2. fever
  3. chest pain
  4. High blood pressure
  5. Weak, Tired, sluggish and Limp
  6. cancer
  7. Inflammatory bowel disease and weakness
  8. infection
  9. Respiratory disorders
  10. stomach ache
  11. weak Heart
  12. weakness: lust
  13. difficulty sleeping
  14. Inflammation of the urinary tract
  15. Cure fever and chills. 
  • Grain soaked in water, then boiled. This is the best way to utilize and use the grain. That the ancient Arabs used it. Boiled water can be used to gargle, heal the bowel trouble, inflammation of internal organs, fever, breathing, bladder pain, abdominal pain, back pain, bowel and contain high nutrition.
  • Grain mashed until smooth, or so-called wheat flour. Used as a mixture of vegetable soup or gravy, which functions to aid digestion, relieve pain, and inflammation of the skin.