Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Curcuma Aeroginosa

Curcuma aeroginosa is often used by women after childbirth as a stamina enhancer. In the fact, many properties of this plant, as a blood purifier and prevent tumors. These plants have a beneficial chemical constituents such as starch, resins, fats, curenmin, and essential oils. The nature, effects, and usefulness of them as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, blood purifier, an anticoagulant, antineoplatik (anticancer), tonic, liver protector (hepatoprotektor) and antibiotics.

Benefits: Treat liver disorders, menstrual disorders, late menstruation, rheumatism, blood clean and stamina for mothers after childbirth.

Catharantus Roseus

Catharantus roseus has a chemical content very much, even carrying more than 70 kinds of alkaloids found in roots, stems, leaves and seeds. On site there is also a virgin as an anticancer alkaloid. Plant site as a virgin to have anticancer properties, sitostatika, hypotensive, sedative, cooling blood, stopping bleeding.  Benefits: treat cancer, acute lymphocytic leukemia, hypertension, diabetes and bleeding due to decreased leukocyte count.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Taraxacum Mongolicum Hand-Mazz

Ingredients and Benefits:
These herbs contain substances taraxasterol, choline, inuline, pectin, coumestrol. Not a few illnesses that can be treated with this plant, of which, or asbestos-inflammation of the breast, gallbladder inflammation, chronic heartburn, improve digestion and increase breast milk.

Other efficacy of this plant is it can be used to treat tumors in the digestive system (esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas), breast cancer, lung cervic uteri and gums.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Природные красоты с оливковым маслом

Уход за телом обычно используют один тип масла, которые никогда не забываются, а именно оливковое масло. Каждый уже знает возможности и преимущества использования этих масел. В дополнение к поддержанию кожи пухлые, оливковое масло очень близко к ней, и дала различные косметические решения.

Можно сказать, что все преимущества этого масла, но может создаться впечатление, вечной молодости, это масло можно также восстановить грубая кожа становится гладкой снова. Вот несколько процедур с оливковым маслом, что вы можете попытаться получить совершенства, что вы хотите:

Красивые ногти
Оливковое масло может быть полезно для укрепления ногтей и кутикулы боевой / омертвевшей кожи вокруг ногтя. Опустите ногти в теплое оливковое масло.Масло сделает кутикулу смягчены, а также укрепить ломкие ногти. Вы можете также использовать оливковое масло для смягчения рук, как использовать оливковое масло на руку перед сном, затем покрыть их с перчатками из мультфильма, а затем оставить на ночь.

Увлажнение сухой кожи
У сухой кожи в области локтей, коленей, лодыжек, очень раздражает. Вы можете справиться с этим, потирая оливковое масло на сухие участки кожи. Оливковое масло может быть использовано не только локти, колени и лодыжки, но также может справиться с сухими губами, ноги / руки должны быть сухими, или частей тела, которые вы думаете, нужен увлажняющий крем. Оливковое масло также можно использовать, чтобы впитаться полезным разглаживает и увлажняет кожу.

Не только быть использован для смягчения и увлажнения ее, оливковое масло удалось поднять остальную часть составляют лица. Оливковое масло можно забрать грязи пыли на лице. Так же, как использование тонера для удаления следов макияжа, просто использовать ватный тампон и небольшим количеством оливкового масла, а затем протрите лицо, пока вы не уверены, что больше не макияж или оставшихся примесей остальных. Есть два преимущества использования оливкового масла, в дополнение к чистым лицом, лицо станет более влажно.

Смягчить волосы.
Ваши волосы чувствует себя грубо, разветвленные или скучно? Все можно лечить с помощью оливкового масла, как использовать оливковое масло на корни волос до кончиков волос, затем завернуть в полотенце и оставьте на 30 минут. У этого лечения один раз в неделю, чтобы получить максимальный результат.

В Коране Аллах говорит:
اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۚ مَثَلُ نُورِهِ كَمِشْكَاةٍ فِيهَا مِصْبَاحٌ ۖ الْمِصْبَاحُ فِي زُجَاجَةٍ ۖ الزُّجَاجَةُ كَأَنَّهَا كَوْكَبٌ دُرِّيٌّ يُوقَدُ مِن شَجَرَةٍ مُّبَارَكَةٍ زَيْتُونَةٍ لَّا شَرْقِيَّةٍ وَلَا غَرْبِيَّةٍ يَكَادُ زَيْتُهَا يُضِيءُ وَلَوْ لَمْ تَمْسَسْهُ نَارٌ ۚ نُّورٌ عَلَىٰ نُورٍ ۗ يَهْدِي اللَّهُ لِنُورِهِ مَن يَشَاءُ ۚ وَيَضْرِبُ اللَّهُ الْأَمْثَالَ لِلنَّاسِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ
 Аллах - Свет небес и земли. Его свет в душе верующего подобен нише, в которой находится светильник. Светильник заключен в стекло, а стекло подобно жемчужной звезде. Он возжигается от благословенного оливкого дерева, которое не тянется ни на восток, ни на запад. Его масло готово светиться даже без соприкосновения с огнем. Один свет поверх другого! Аллах направляет к Своему свету, кого пожелает. Аллах приводит людям притчи, и Аллах знает обо всякой вещи. (Сура Ан-Нур: 35)


Lime roots as much as 1/2 handful washed, then boiled in 6 cups water over low heat until the remaining 3 cups of water. After cooling, water is taken three times a day.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Hemorrhoid Bleeding 2

The dry leaves of Cordyline Fruticosa 15-30 grams
The dry Flower of Cordyline Fruticosa 9-15 grams
The dry root of Cordyline Fruticosa 6-10 grams

Leaves or flowers or roots are boiled in 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup, then drink as well.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Symphytum Officinale L = 4 leaf
Salt = to taste
Water = 4 glass

Soften leaves with salt, then washed. Eat 2 times a day as a salad.
Boil the leaves in 4 cups of water to the remaining 3 cups, then water is taken 3 times sekari 1 cup each.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Zingiber Purpureum Roxb

Zingiber purpureum Roxb have health benefits:

Leaves of Zingiber purpureum Roxb efficacious for the cure: Less appetite

Zingiber purpureum Roxb efficacious for the cure:
Fever, headache
Coughing up phlegm
Abdominal pain, colds
Rheumatic, neurological disorders
Herbs in women after childbirth
Shrink the stomach after giving birth
Body warmers

Monday, 23 July 2012

Cordyline Fruticosa

Cordyline fruticosa plants beneficial to cool the blood, stop bleeding, and relieve swollen bruise (antiswelling).

Part of Plant Used For Treatment: flowers, roots and leaves.

Disease can be cured:
Bloody urine.
Prevent miscarriage, menstruation too much, and bleeding hemorrhoids.
Stomach pain and heartburn
Late menstruation

Natural Flavorings And Preservatives In Food

Useful addition to health, nutmeg can also be a natural flavoring and preservative in food.

Sunday, 22 July 2012


To overcome the problem of sleep, pour a little nutmeg powder in a glass of warm milk. This potion will make you sleep easy.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Curcuma Mangga

Curcuma mangga or white turmeric has a wide range of chemical constituents, including tannins, starch, curcumin, essential oil, sugar, saponins, resins, flavonoids, and the toxic protein. Useful for:

Inhibit cancer cell growth.
Narrow the female organs.
Help treat itching in the area of ​​femininity.
Strengthening sexual desire.
Useful as an antipyretic (fever).
Treating pain shortness of breath (asthma).
Treating inflammatory diseases of respiratory tract (bronchitis).
Useful as an antitoxin (antidote).
Helps reduce fat in the abdomen.
Increase appetite.
Useful as a laxative (laxative).
Treat fever, colds, bloating, etc..

Friday, 20 July 2012

Curcuma Zedoaria

Nutritious parts of Curcuma zedoaria or white turmeric are: rhizome, because it contains curcumin, carbohydrates. protein, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, turmeron, sinoel, borneol, karvon, petroleum resins, gums, and fat. Curcuma zedoaria or white turmeric useful for:

Helped shut down the growth of cancer cells.
Fused cancer cells without damaging other tissue.
Inhibit cancer cell growth.
Prevent damage to genes.


Relieve Tooth Aand Gum Pain

 Substances contained in nutmeg oil helps fight bacteria in the mouth that cause cavities. To ease the pain of the teeth / gums, apply a few drops of nutmeg oil on the sore gum with a massage.

Remove Acne And Blemishes On The Face

Nutmeg mash until smooth then mix with whole milk, stirring to form a paste. Apply on the face that problem, let stand a few minutes, then wash the face.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Stomach Infection

Nutrients contained in olive oil is very effective to protect themselves from attacks of stomach cancer and also can suppress the occurrence of stomach infections.

Soften The Heart

The dates are a lot of the hormone oxytocin. These hormones can soften your heart and evoke a sense of compassion. This influence arises naturally.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Olive Oil and Breast Cancer

Consume one tablespoon of olive oil every day can protect themselves from breast cancer.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Cervical Cancer And Lung

 papaya leaf
 Phyllantus acidus
 red spinach
starfruit leaves

All material is washed and then add 1/2 cup of boiled water and grind until smooth. After that, the filtered material and add 1 tablespoon of honey. drink this potion 1 time a day as much as 1 cup.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Luwak Coffee

Luwak coffee, different from the coffee in general. Luwak coffee has a limited number, let alone a wild Luwak coffee. For the civet, the coffee is just as dessert course. Civet, just pick the best coffee beans from the best. When the ripe coffee beans given to civet in a tray, at best civet will only take 10-30% .

Because the civet consumed is the best coffee beans, then the beans are excreted in the feces civet, is the best. Coffee beans through a process of natural fermentation in the stomach civet. Digestion is quite unique civet, civet can not digest the seeds that have high levels of density tertenu, one of which is coffee beans. So that the beans come out with the feces civet is still intact. Because the civet consumed is the best coffee beans, then the beans are excreted in the feces was the best civet. The quality of coffee beans that come through the fermentation of the same quality as civet coffee beans that have been in ferment for 5-8 years. The coffee beans are washed, dried, and roasted before consumption.

Original Luwak coffee has caffeine content is very low, about 0.5% down. Low caffeine is due to the fermentation that occurs in the stomach civet. Good bacteria in the stomach civet is able to reduce protein in the beans, and is able to parse the structure of caffeine in coffee beans, so as to create a unique aroma and flavor. It is perfectly safe to be consumed by people with heart disease and ulcers.

Luwak coffee fermentation process derived from the enzymes and good bacteria in the stomach Luwak coffee beans in fermentation makes perfect. Enzymes in the stomach civet is able to reduce protein levels in coffee beans, so the level of bitterness in coffee civet coffee was not as bitter as usual. Because the protein content of coffee is what makes the coffee bitter.

Benefits of Luwak coffee

Prevent neurological diseases
Caffeinated coffee drinkers are less likely to develop Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Content of antioxidants in coffee will prevent cell damage associated with Parkinson's. While caffeine will inhibit inflammation in the brain, which is often associated with Alzheimer's.

Protect the teeth
Kaein coffee containing antibacterial and non-stick ability, so as to maintain a layer of bacteria that cause tooth gnawing holes. Drinking a cup of coffee each day is proven to prevent the risk of oral cancer by half. Compounds found in coffee can also limit the growth of cancer cells and damage DNA.

Reduce the risk of breast cancer
Approaching the menopause, women who consumed four cups of coffee a day reduced their risk of breast cancer by 38 percent, according to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition. Release copies of phytoestrogens and flavonoids that can withstand the growth of tumors. However, consumption of less than 4 cups will not get this benefit.

Prevent gallstones
Gallstones grow when the mucus in the gallbladder cholesterol crystals trapped. Xanthine, which is found in caffeine, will reduce the risk of mucus and storage. Two cups of coffee or more each day will help this process.

Protect the skin
Consumption of 2-5 cups of coffee a day can help lower the risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer by 17 percent. Caffeine can stimulate the skin to kill the precancerous cells, and also stop tumor growth.

Prevent diabetes
now who consumed 3-4 cups of regular coffee or decaf coffee (with caffeine levels are reduced) will reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes by 30 percent. Chlorogenic acid may help prevent insulin resistance, which is a sign of this disease.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Horse Meat

The horse is a symbol of strength. Horse meat has a nutrient content and high protein and low in cholesterol. Properties of horse meat can increase male sexual desire, increase stamina during sex, strengthen the resilience and vitality of the body.

Among the diseases that can be cured by eating horse meat is shortness of breath, asthma, cough, spots on lungs, epilepsy, stress, diabetes, gout, lower cholesterol, arthritis, eczema, hives, and overcome the lethargic body.

Cure Cancer

This plant name Merremia mammosa (Lour) Hall. Tubers of this plant can cure cancer. Tubers of Merremia mammosa (Lour) Hall as much as 3/4 finger is washed, then shredded. Add 4 tablespoons of boiled water, wring it out, then strain the water. The water plus 2 tablespoons of honey and divided into 3 parts. Each piece is eaten morning, noon and evening. Use the waste is to be attached to the wound.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Enlarge The Breast

Materials needed to enlarge the breast are: 2 Mangosteen fruit, 10 grams of green algae, ¼ Papaya fruit.

Method of Construction:
  • Take the skin of the mangosteen fruit and wash and dry. After that, break the skin of the mangosteen fruit by way of pulverized, blended, or shredded. 
  •  Wash the ¼ papaya fruit with warm water, then puree in blender or shredded.
  •  Combine green algae, which has been crushed mangosteen peel, and papaya also been refined in a container and then mix evenly.
  •  Spread the dough for 30 minutes before a shower, then wash.
  •  You can also add a scrub and honey to soften the skin and remove dead skin around your breasts.
  •  Do not forget to frequently eat papaya every day.
Papaya fruit is selected as a mixture of dough because papaya contain enzymes that can tighten and plumping your breasts. Papaya is also fortified with vitamin A hormone fasteners and female hormones that stimulate spending and stimulate the ovaries secrete hormones estrogen and progesterone. Mammary glands of these hormones will be smooth and shape of the ideal breast. 

Friday, 6 July 2012

Duck Eggs

In the duck egg, protein is more abundant in the egg yolk, 17 per cent, while the whites 11 percent. Composed of egg protein ovalbumin (egg white) and ovavitelin (egg yolks). Egg protein contains all essential amino acids the body needs for healthy living.

The amount and composition of amino acids in the duck egg is a complete and balanced, so that almost all the parts can be used for both growth and replacement of damaged cells.

Fat in the egg consists of triglycerides (neutral fat), phospholipids (usually in the form of lecithin), and cholesterol. Function of triglycerides and phospholipids in the body is a source of energy, one gram of fat produces 9 kilocalories of energy.

Duck eggs contain fat and protein, which implies helping the growth of sperm and testosterone, and would be good to improve sex drive.

Duck Meat

Duck meat taste very delicious. Vitamin B duck meat is much more than chicken. Nutrient content of meat ducks are as follows: 129 calories (cal), protein 20 (g), fat-5 (g), iron 2 (mg), vitamin B 100 (IU).

High-quality protein source that contains a balanced array amino acids
Contain iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12
Contains Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and folic acid

Benefits :
  • Treating hoarseness
  • Eliminate the gas in the stomach
  • Increase virility
  • Fatten and strengthen the body
  • Freeing the pain comes from fat
  • Duck fat to clean and beautify the skin. 

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Rabbit Meat

Rabbit meat is tender, soft fiber, and taste delicious. Bone in rabbits is thinner, delicate flesh, and short fiber so easy to chew. Rabbit meat has some health benefits:

Rabbit meat curing excessive dizziness, increased stamina, and rabbit brain can fertilize a woman's womb. Rabbit meat efficacious to cure asthma. Ketotifen content in rabbit meat to be an alternative for people with asthma. Molecular compounds contained in this meat can cure asthma. The most effective lies in the hearts of rabbits. In order to maintain nutrient levels and content of this kitotefin, is best cooked with boiled systems.

Other benefits of rabbit meat can be solve: throat infection, antibodies, Liver / Heart, fertility (the head or brain). Cholesterol. Virility (penis and testicles). and various other benefits ... 

Chicken Meat

Benefits of chicken meat for daily life very much. In addition to affordable, chicken meat is also easy to obtain. Chicken meat processing also includes easy. In addition to the meat of chicken is also very varied to be processed.

Benefits of chicken include:
A rich source of protein. In 100 gm of chicken had contained 60 percent of the daily value for protein adequacy.
High niacin (vitamin B3) and vitamin B6. Niacin is important for maintaining healthy skin and nervous system. Niacin and vitamin B6 are also necessary in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and protein in the body.
Source of minerals and selenium are very good. Selenium is an essential component of several metabolic pathways, including thyroid hormone metabolism, antioxidant defense system, and immune system.
Can be expressed in various types of dishes.
Chicken meat also has a fat content is relatively lower than red meat (beef, goat, buffalo). This makes meat safer to eat chicken for us who have problems with fat.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Eggs Javanese Chicken

Eggs are a source of protein.. The content of the egg: protein, fat, minerals, salts and vitamins. Eggs javanese chicken have an advantage over the other chicken eggs

Eggs javanese chicken to treat throat, cough, lung, kidney and urinary tract. In addition to these properties, there are a few more uses eggs javanese chicke, such as: Increase sex drive, Strengthens the nerves, and Increase stamina / strength because it contains cholesterol (the yolk).

Thevetia Peruviana

This plant grows wild in fields, approximately 1.7 meters high. Stem woody, grooved, segmented, branched, green color. Single leaf, menjari form, jagged edges, base and pointed tip, 4-12 cm long, 5-14 cm wide, green color. Compound interest, panicle shape, kidney shape crown, reddish yellow color. Fruit box, bears two to four, approximately 7.5 mm diameter, blackish brown color.

Thevetia Peruviana efficacious as a tonic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Sandalwood (Santalum album L) has a distinctive character that is fragrant and has a pharmacological effect as anti dysentery and emenagogum in addition to treating inflammation. Sandalwood efficacy: Efficacy of sandalwood is a lowering of fever, pain relief, relieve wind colic in the stomach, increased appetite, and increase the speed of formation of urine.

Monday, 2 July 2012


Chocolate is a processed food made from cocoa beans. Cacao fruit is more commonly referred to as fruit chocolate because cocoa is cocoa producer.

Chocolate is the food that is not perishable, because chocolate contains as much as 6% polyphenols as antioxidants that may prevent chocolate from stale.

Chocolate fruits contain anti-oxidants which is very high. Cocoa beans contain alkanoid causing a bitter taste. Besides cocoa also contains 9% protein, 14% carbohydrate, and fat 31%. 9% of protein contained in cocoa beans that contain phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan amino acid in large quantities.

Chocolate to capture the free radicals from the body. Benefits of chocolate are obtained due to the high content of antioxidants in chocolate (3 x more than green tea). Chocolate can reduce cholesterol in the blood. Chocolate can prevent heart disease and cancer. Cocoa can prevent high blood pressure and stroke. Chocolate as a source of nutrients and vitamins that are essential for health.

At this time many manufacturers are eliminating the flavonoid because it tastes bitter. So at this time chocolate products on the market only in fat and sugar.

Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus has a sweet taste and is neutral. The chemicals contained in the hibiscus leaves in between taraxeryl acetate. In addition, the hibiscus flower contains cyanidin diglucosid, hibisetin, bitter substances, and mucus.
Owned by the pharmacological effects of hibiscus include antiviral, antiinflammatory, antidiuretic, menormalkal menstrual cycle, and shed sputum. Hibiscus flowers are also used to treat purulent urine, sputum and purulent cough, whooping cough, boils, boils on the child's head, ulcustripicum, diarrhea, irregular menstruation, urinary tract infections, vaginal discharge, menstrual launched, bronchitis, and tuberculosis. In addition, the leaves are used to treat ulcers, fever due to malaria, mumps, nosebleeds, dermatitis, rhinitis, inflammation of the lining of the eye, and colitis.

Sunday, 1 July 2012


Jackfruit contains vitamins A, B, and C in the form of a compound of thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. Also contain minerals such as calcium, potassium, Ferrum (iron), magnesium, in considerable amounts when compared with many other fruits. Jackfruit fruit has a high nutritional content, 100 grams of jackfruit has 106 calories, 27.6 grams carbohydrates and 1.2 grams of protein. But do not overdo eating this delicious fruit is sweet because it will cause a lot of flatulence. With a lot of nutritional content, the fruit of this type provide a variety of health benefits, among others:

Strengthen the immune system
Jackfruit fruit source of vitamin C and antioxidants are very good, to help strengthen the immune system and improve the function of white blood cells.

Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke
Fruits are rich in potassium is good for controlling blood pressure and may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. In addition, it is also good for maintaining electrolyte balance.

Protection against cancer
Jackfruit contain phytonutrients such as lignans, isoflavones, and saponins that make up the body's protection against the onset of cancer cells.

Maintain healthy skin
Jackfruit contains vitamin A and high antioxidant, good for keeping and maintaining skin health.

Eenergy supplement
Jackfruit fruit contains natural sugars such as fructose and sucrose. Flesh soft, sweet, sticky and crunchy makes the body refreshed.

Optimize the function of the body
Jackfruit contain minerals such as manganese, iron, vitamin B6, niacin, folic acid which is used to optimize body functions.